Chercheurs postdoctoraux Banting 2023-2024




Nom Établissement d'accueil Discipline Titre du projetNote en bas de page 2

Almeida de Oliveira, Amanda
Photo utilisée avec la permission de : Women and Children's Health Research Institute
University of Alberta Cardiovasculaire Investigating the gestational and long-term effects of excessive hypercholesterolemia during pregnancy on maternal vascular health

Archambault, Anne-Sophie
Photo utilisée avec la permission de : BC Children's Hospital Research Institute Communications department
University of British Columbia Cancer Regulation of anabolic metabolism in anti-tumour T cells

Bilodeau, Philippe-Antoine
Massachusetts General Hospital Système nerveux Gamma delta T cell ligands in multiple sclerosis

Champagne-Jorgensen, Kevin
University of Toronto Immunologie - Transplantation Manipulating the Microbiome to Prevent MS Progression

Cook, Jonathan
University of Oxford Recherche sur les médicaments Efficacy of a Plasmodium falciparum subunit vaccine and correlates of immunity in malaria-naïve adults following vaccination and challenge via controlled human malaria infection.

Drake, Sienna
Photo utilisée avec la permission de : Vinay Dhalla, @themidnightmedia (en anglais seulement)
The Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc. Système nerveux 'FINDing' hippocampal astrocyte subsets that regulate stress and memory

Ewald, Jessica
Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Génomique, protéomique et bioinformatique Detecting chemical toxicity with multi-omics data in increasingly complex in vitro liver models

Fiselier, Anna
Photo utilisée avec la permission de : Alena Dorozhkina
Simon Fraser University Effets environnementaux sur la santé Molecular etiology and sexual dimorphism of CBD-containing electronic cigarette or vaping product use-associated lung injury (EVALI)

Jessa, Selin
Stanford University Génomique, protéomique et bioinformatique Deciphering gene regulation in brain development and disruption in disease using interpretable machine learning

Kavanagh, Meaghan
Harvard School of Public Health Nutrition PRotein sources for Optimal health in an Aging GEneration (PRO-AGE)

Kinshella, Mai-Lei
King's College London Procréation - Grossesse Mechanisms for pre-eclampsia prevention within a triple burden of malnutrition in sub-Saharan Africa

LaPierre, Mary
Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre Système nerveux A neural basis for the coordinated control of thermal and osmotic homeostasis

Levesque, Sébastien
Boston Children's Hospital Biologie moléculaire Prime editing TINF2 in human hematopoietic stem cells to understand telomere length control and treat dyskeratosis congenita

Li, Lin
University of Toronto Santé mentale Characteristics and Care TRansitions of Youth With NeuroDevelopmental Conditions Aging Out of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (TReND Study)

Ma, Zhenwei
University of British Columbia Cancer Hydrogel adhesive artificial mucosa: a paradigm-shifting platform for esophageal cancer treatment and management

Meganathan, Ilamaran
University of Alberta Cardiovasculaire Enriched hydrogel scaffold as a platform for cell and drug delivery to treat aortic aneurysm

Noel, Nicole
University College London (UK) Vision Investigating Molecular Causes of Retinal Disease in Turquoise Killifish, A Naturally Occurring Model of Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Perrier, Stefanie
Boston Children's Hospital Système nerveux Unravelling early life nutritional influences on child brain development: An MRI and machine learning approach

Primeau, Codie
Photo utilisée avec la permission de : Justin Sim Photography
University of British Columbia Santé de la population Leveraging Citizen Science for Inclusive Pain Research: Maximizing Public Engagement to Co-Develop Research Questions with 2SLGBTQIA+ Communities

Sinno, Jad
Photo utilisée avec la permission de : V. Tony Hauser
University of Toronto Dimensions sociétales et culturelles de la santé Addressing Stigma Across the Life Course: A Critical Exploration of Interventions and Programs for Queer Peoples in Canada

Yeung, Cindy Hoi Ting
Hospital for Sick Children Recherche sur les médicaments Advancing towards model-informed precision dosing: Ontogeny and pharmacogenetics of commonly used drugs in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Zaccagnini, Marco
Université d'Ottawa Recherche sur les services de santé Empowering Respiratory Therapists in Evidence-Informed Practice: Field-Testing Micro-Credentials for Enhanced Outcomes and Healthcare Efficiency

Zenone, Marco
University of British Columbia Cancer Exploiting Terminally Ill Cancer Patients with False Hope: The Role of Harmful Online Ecosystems
Nom Établissement d'accueil Discipline Titre du projetNote en bas de page 2

Asaad, Saba
York University Génie électrique - Systèmes de télécommunications Over-the-Air Federated Learning via Benchmark Wireless Network Architectures

Cook, Adam
Stanford University Chimie organique Breaching biological barriers: A systematic approach towards the chemical design, synthesis, characterization and evaluation of discrete charge-altering releasable transporters (CARTs), novel polyanion delivery systems, for improved treatments for prophylactic, therapeutic and diagnostic interventions with applications towards HIV/AIDS eradication and cancer immunotherapy

Cromwell, Christopher
Massachusetts General Hospital Biologie cellulaire et moléculaire - biologie moléculaire Engineering compact OMEGA genome editors to improve research and clinical applications

Cyr, Bryce
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Physique et astronomie - Astronomie et astrophysique Unveiling the Primordial Universe through Synergistic Aspects of CMB Spectral Distortions

Douglas, Gavin
North Carolina State University Evolution et écologie - Ecologie microbienne Detecting selection based on predicted changes in protein structure, with application to bacterial genomics

Ferraro, Kristy
Photo utilisée avec la permission de : Dre Annise Dobson
Memorial University of Newfoundland Évolution et écologie - Écologie terrestre A framework for large mammal conservation as a nature-based solution to climate change

Heim, Amy
Université de Sherbrooke Évolution et écologie Climate Change and Ecosystem Function: A Bi-polar Exploration of the Bryosphere

Jiang, Albert
Photo utilisée avec la permission de : Ben Zeng
University of Waterloo Génie civil et mécanique - Génie de l'environnement Hydrology and Socio-Metabolic Risk (Hydro-SMR) Analysis: Modelling Water Dynamics and Cascade Effects on Small Island States

Khan, Shadman
California Institute of Technology Biologie végétale et animale - Science et technologie de l'alimentation A Bacteriophage Distribution Platform to Eliminate Pathogens and Extend the Shelf Life of Food

Looby, Audrey
University of Victoria Evolution et écologie - Ecologie aquatique et limnologie Acoustic attenuation through marine habitats: a hypothesized ecosystem service mitigating noise pollution globally

MacDonald, Daniel
Brigham and Women's Hospital Biologie cellulaire et moléculaire - microbiologie Statistical machine learning models for inferring microbial interactions at scale across space and time

Majidy, Shayan
Photo utilisée avec la permission de : Gabriela Secara
Harvard University Physique et astronomie - physique Applications of Current Quantum Hardware with Quantum Error Correction

Martinig, April Robin
University of British Columbia Évolution et écologie Big data in proactive conservation: Disentangling variable movement responses of animals to climate change

McDevitt-Irwin, Jamie
University of British Columbia Évolution et écologie The cascading consequences of biodiversity loss: what makes a food web resistant to secondary extinctions?

Melly, Stephen
York University Génie civil et mécanique - Génie mécanique Development of the computational constitutive model for super-soft 4D bioprinted materials

Meng, Fanwang
Photo utilisée avec la permission de : RosettaCommons
Queen's University Chimie physique Drug Discovery with Machine Learning: Model Development and Applications

Mirani, Bahram
Harvard University Génie chimique, biomédical et des sciences des matériaux - génie biomédical Engineering hypoimmunogenic blood vessels that recapitulate native human arteries

Peng, Jian
The University of Western Ontario Génie chimique, biomédical et des sciences des matériaux - science et technologie des matériaux Next-generation All-solid-state sodium-ion batteries for Energy Storage

Prokopenko, Christina
(pas de photo)
University of British Columbia Évolution et écologie- gestion de la faune Evaluating the behavioural resilience of wildlife confronted with acute climate threats

Riad, Keroles
Photo utilisée avec la permission de : Concordia University
Carleton University Génie civil et mécanique - Génie mécanique Scalable synthesis of graphene systems using flame spray pyrolysis

Xu, Minghan
Photo utilisée avec la permission de : Dorsa Zare
University of British Columbia Génie civil et mécanique - Génie minier et minéral Sustainable mine energy systems in Canada's north: Mitigation and adaptation strategies for climate change

Yang, Min
Photo utilisée avec la permission de : Ming Li
Memorial University of Newfoundland Génie civil et mécanique - Génie de l'environnement Impact of Fishing Gear on Marine Environments: Release of Microplastics and Additives, and Inhibition of Phytoplankton Photosynthesis and Carbon Sequestration

Zhang, Yangfan
Harvard University Biologie végétale et animale - Biologie animale Bioenergetics of Collective Behaviour: Bridging Biomechanics and Bio-robotics

Zhu, Xia
Memorial University of Newfoundland Sciences de la Terre - Océanographie The settling flux of plastic pollution and its influence on carbon sequestration in the deep ocean
Nom Établissement d'accueil Discipline Titre du projetNote en bas de page 2

Anagnostou, Michelle
University of Oxford Études pluridisciplinaires Using implementation science to understand the determinants of successful financial investigations into international illegal wildlife trade

Atmore, Lane
University of British Columbia Archéologie "A Gift from God": Untangling the co-evolution of herring and people in Hokkaido, Japan

Barbeau-Julien, Kheana
University of Calgary Psychologie Moving from risk to resilience: An intersectional examination of how identity-related experiences shape sexual and gender minority individuals' relationships with their body, food, and physical activity

Boivin, Noémie
Université de Sherbrooke Droit Contention humanitaire de la migration irrégulière : ethnographie juridique en territoires de transit au Mexique

Canas, Tania
Photo utilisée avec la permission de : Jody Haines Photography
The University of Western Ontario Beaux-arts Creative approaches to postwar memory: Canada and Australia

Champagne, Marie-Pier
Photo utilisée avec la permission de : Jean Rodier
North Carolina State University (NCSU) Science économique Walk my way: The impact of pedestrianization on local changes. The empirical analysis of pedestrianization on business location, commercial rent, gentrification, and longevity.

Charland, Thara
Université du Québec à Montréal Littératures et langues modernes Le réel dessiné : bande dessinée et pratiques documentaires au Québec

Dizon, Kristine
Photo utilisée avec la permission de : Bernard Doughty
Concordia University Littératures et langues modernes Situated Resonances: Poetic-Musical Performances in Critical Contexts and Creative Compositions

Ferguson, Lorna
Memorial University of Newfoundland Criminologie Exploring Stress in Police Search and Rescue: Impacts and Solutions

Gallo Garcia, Carolina
Photo utilisée avec la permission de : Concordia University
Concordia University Sociologie Migrant women and economic integration: building ‘good’ citizenship through entrepreneurship in Québec

Galmiche-Essue, Julia
Université de Sherbrooke Littératures et langues modernes Histoire du livre et mémoire de la littérature chez les écrivain.e.s africain.e.s francophones de la diaspora (1999-2021)

Garde, Jonah
Photo utilisée avec la permission de : Hayf Photography
The University of British Columbia Études pluridisciplinaires Germany and the Trans Historical Imaginary: Affective Reimaginations of the Transgender Past

Grenier, Véronique
Institut national de la recherche scientifique Éducation Stratification des offres scolaires au Québec : inégalités régionales et stratégies familiales

Lin, Hause
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Psychologie Developing effective and scalable theory-driven interventions for combating unreliable and hyperpartisan content on social media

McMahon, Lucas
The University of Winnipeg Études médiévales Information and Empire in New Rome

Morneau-Vaillancourt, Geneviève
Université de Montréal Psychologie Identifying new modifiable targets for prevention of emotional problems in young adulthood using genetically sensitive designs in three population-based longitudinal cohorts

Ng, Lynn Yu Ling
York University Science Politiques Care for All is Care that Pulls Us Through

Nijs, Wim
University of Toronto Études anciennes et langues classiques et mortes Philodemus on Flattery: a Neglected Epicurean Voice in an Ancient Philosophical Debate

Quinton, Jessica
Photo utilisée avec la permission de : Paulo Ramos, University of British Columbia
McGill University Urbanisme, aménagement régional et études environnementales Social sustainability and equity of mixed-use development in Canadian cities

Ramón Celis, Pedro Guillermo
Photo utilisée avec la permission de : Juan Cortázar González
McGill University Anthropologie Community-Collaborative Zapotec Archaeology: Investigating Commoner Roles in Guiengola's Late Postclassic Urban Landscape

Shank Lauwo, Monica
McGill University Éducation Stories of lives and literacies: Imagining futures, identities, and decolonial educational possibilities with Tanzanian girls

Steckley, Joshua
Carleton University Geographie Creole pigs and capitalist pigs: How the swine fever eradication and repopulation program in Haiti informs future interventions around disease, capital, and our contradictory relationship to nature

Stepanova, Ekaterina
KTH Royal Institute of Technology Communications et études des médias Feeling nature: Body-centric approach to design of immersive experiences cultivating an aesthetic appreciation of nature to dissolve human-nature dualism and promote sustainability.
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